Monday, April 20, 2009


Go to
for the whole story!


Anonymous said...

You go girl. I watched the news and did not read about any fatalities, so I was sure you had made it.

Margie said...

That's awesome, Valerie! I'm impressed by your time. I was thinking about you on Saturday while you were running. I'm so close to quitting at this point in my training, but you've inspired me to push on...we'll see how long that lasts! You are not even close to being a "fatty", but one thing I've found as I've been running a lot more is that I eat like a cow, so I feel like I'm gaining weight instead of losing. Crazy!

Congrats on the finish! Wear your medal everywhere you go!

Amy J said...

You are SO AWESOME, Val! Good for you! Right now I'm jogging 3 out of every 10 minutes, so I've got a LOOOOONG way to go! :) Congratulations!