I'm pretty sure that mom has an appointment with her lawyer to write me out of her will if I don't post some pictures from our post-Christmas visit with Jamie and Kacie in Denver. Good thing I didn't have a date tonight so I could post to the blog instead! ;)
Picking up the goods!

Game night eventually got off track...

The off track-ness continues!

Estes Park is LOVELY!

Crafty McCrafterson Jr. wearing one of the bracelets she made

A cute picture of Foofy walking to the game room

Gramps and his blazing fire!

Getting ready for some serious marshmallow roastin'!

Texty McTexterson in the flesh!

A glimpse of the s'mores/marshmallow clagfest!

It was so good to spend time with these cute girls! We ate (of course!), shopped, played games, laughed, chatted, cried, hugged, and ate some more, before we had to send them back home. They are such cute, cute, cute, cute girls...sure glad they're part of our family!!
Looks like you guys had so much fun! Speaking of eating too much...I tried to use the word clag in some kind of scrabble game with my family. I didn't realize Scott came up with that one himself. What would the orgins of clagging be?
I think it actually came from Lizzy...something like she went to eat something, and someone had eaten it, and she said something about them clagging it all. Perhaps someone with a better memory can confirm this story/expand on it/correct me if I'm wrong! :)
We miss you all!! Everyone looks so different in each new picture I see. I feel like it's been centuries since we seen everyone. We hate missing all the fun!
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