Well, nothing very exciting has happened in our family recently, but for the sake of updating the blog I thought I'd put up a few pictures of Riley and Macie. The weather has been great in Idaho Falls up until this last Friday. Valerie and the girls even went boating on Thursday it was so nice. The water was a little chilly, but everyone had a great time. Riley is busy with Preschool, Gymnastics and socializing. Macie is busy harassing Riley, trying to become potty-trained and making us laugh. Her new favorite saying when asked to do something is "Never Again!" We're not quite sure where it came from, we have a feeling she was egged on by her big sister to say it once and it stuck. Charlotte is great and helps us keep our sanity. We might change our tone once she starts talking, but we're enjoying the moment.
Notice Riley's "bangs" in the pictures. She cut them herself. I guess we can check that milestone off our list :)
Maggie and I were wondering if that was a Riley original haircut! :) I hear that we might have some little visitors here in the greater desert area soon?! Is that happening??
Grandpa Johnson was quick to note which hand his favorite 2 year old granddaughter is using to do her coloring!!!! You might say that she is using the "right" hand!!!
Macie looks so grown up! I once had bangs just like Riley's, although, I must sadly admit that I wasn't 4 years old at the time...it was more like 11...long after the self-hair-cutting phase should have taken place.
Cute girls!
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