It's official! Felix is 3, and has worked very hard to be able to proudly wave those 3 fingers in the air! He had a great birthday which started early at Dunkin' Donuts, then to Toys'R'Us, then home to play with his buddy Elsa, then to the pool for a swim, and finally home for cake and presents. Thanks to all the well-wishers and gifters. You made him a very happy 3 year old.
Also, above is also our version of a snow fort that we made in the driveway after a good storm. Felix kept talking about making a snow fort after seeing Riley's.
And below, you'll find some videos of our backyard sledding path. The snow has since melted after a day of 60 degree weather this week, but the miserable cold has now returned.
I am so relieved to have a new post, I became very tired of the posting by Keith with reference to his joke book. Thank you Pittsburg Johnsons.
I love to see Felix going after that doughnut with such GUSTO! That kid is a Johnson, for sure! :)
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