I'm sure it is no secret to our family, my co-workers and now UTA commuters in SLC, that I LOVE my freaky shoes. So if anyone is wondering what to get me for Christmas, feel free to go onto Zappos.com, find the craziest size 13 you can find and order me only the left shoe. (There's got to be a market for single shoes out there with all the amputees hobbling around and tipping over out there. Maybe my million $ idea...ANYWAY)
The reason I need the new shoe is because I rammed my foot so far down my gullet with my last blog rant that I can't seem to retrieve my shoe. Everytime I burp it tastes like rubber. If only I had put that Heinze horseradish sauce on it. Next time.
This is the part where I apologize to Valerie for being a jackass (me being the jackass not her). Certainly she and Todd have a lot on their plate right now. I obviously wasn't taking anyone else's situation into account when I let me fingers do the walking and my brain do the napping. But coming from a dad of two girls, I can say with some authority on the subject, that T&V are great parents and have amazing kids. There is no debating that my fiesty little 4-yr-old niece is giving Todd premature gray hair. Good. He deserves it. :-) But don't be discouraged. Riles is, and always will be, a head-strong individual. Heaven knows there are a few of those types who have done the doggie paddle around the Johnson gene pool over the years. In the meantime, hang in there. If you need to send her to Uncle KJ's Boot Camp for Nieces and Midgets (the two markets were too small to stay afloat on their own) send her on a long-distance field trip. I don't have any magic tricks or wise advice to give when it comes to raising kids, but I can take her everywhere I go on the bus and train and keep her occupied during my adventures downtown. It helped Wendy and me with both Bubba and The Weasel.
In conclusion (finally) let it be known that I concur that there are more important things than a $15 gift at Christmas. Fortunately, in our family, there is no doubt in anyone's mind whether they are loved....no matter what (I can attest to this personally from many situations that have occured in my life. I've never felt any judgement or lack of support. Thanks) so in actuality, a small gift is just a simple token of a much larger, more important gift that could never be purchased, packaged or EVER returned.
If you need anything T&V, just say the word.
So true...we are lucky to have such a close, fun, loving family. I hope that ALL of you know that if you ever need anything at all I would do whatever I could to be of assistance!
On a different note, I think that Keith should think about doing some writing! It's kinda' like having Dave Barry contributing to our blog! It was a humorous yet very heartfelt and lovely entry! Thanks, Keithy!
You did it again, Keith...let your fingers do the talking and your brain do the napping, I think, when you misspelled Heinz.
It would be understandable for someone to misspell Deseret, but not Heinz.
So now I guess you won't be needing any new shoes.
I'm dissapointed that Scott pointed out the spelling error before I could.
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