Well, we are happy to announce we will be adding another little girl to our family! After a Dr. Pepper and a copious amount of sugary treats, I have come to grips with the fact I must have done something terribly wrong in the preexistence :) When Valerie first told Macie we were having a girl, Macie said, "EH EH" I couldn't have said it any better myself. All joking aside, we are very grateful to have a healthy baby. I would ask, however, that you start praying now for us to be able to make it through adolescence.

Congratulations to Todd and his gaggle of girls! :) Maybe you and Scott could have an exchange program?? Share the wealth of boys and girls between the two of you?! :)
In other news, hopefully Keith will post some San Fran pictures soon...we had a GOOD time, despite the lameness of the conference. :P
Cangratulations on another girl. If this one is as cute as the other two--can we ask for more. I have friends who have 4 and he is from Brazil--Keep coping
I was playing with my computer and saving pics from the blog and somehow (read dumb luck)I got the pics on my google stip, so every so often I get to see Riley looking pensive and Macie having a bath in the sink and I get to smile.
Congratulations on the baby girl! I'm with Janet, you can't ask for more when they're as cute as the two you've already got. Now, if you really want a boy, next time, try not finding out the sex of the baby until it's born. Every time we do that, a boy comes out! I know that's superstitious talk, but I'm kind of superstitious. It's worth a shot!
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