Okay, so I'm not actually 33 years old yet...still 12+ hours until it becomes official, but I thought I'd post a quick update since Todd pointed out in his b-day wishes that there hasn't been a singles conference debriefing or a teaching update! (I'm editing to note the fact that I'm pretty darn sure it was actually Valerie, posting under Todd's name, who posted the b-day wishes!)
The singles conference was basically a bust, but Keith and I had a WONDERFUL time in San Francisco. I guess I had to travel all that way to find out that things are rough all over when it comes to finding a tall, handsome guy! Mostly the conference itself just served to make me feel extra disappointed and frustrated that things weren't/aren't going better (or really going at all, for that matter!) with the guy in Denver. But that's another post for another day! Here's one picture of us, freezing on a not-really tour bus. We were supposed to do speed dating, but no one was allowed to stand up on the second story of the bus...go fig! You can tell how excited we are! Ask Keith about the guy in the baseball cap....... :)

Like I said, Keith and I had a fabulous time together, and had some great quotes and memories come out of the trip. For instance, we had a guy in Chinatown try to get us into his tea shop by telling us that the tea would make us "sexy like hell." (At least that's what it sounded like...hard to say for sure with the accent!) Keith bought jewelry like a regular woman, and we almost died of a heart attack walking up steep streets to see the crookedest street in San Fran. I leave it to our resident photographer to share some of the pics he took...hopefully soon.
My teaching experience is going well! Some nights are better than others, but generally speaking I am enjoying the experience and think that the students are having a pretty good time as well! It's also nice to be earning a little bit of extra money on the side!! :)
Oh yes, I am well aware of the
Twilight craze! I actually started reading that book awhile back, and just didn't care enough to finish it! Anyway, I'm sure that at this point there are some feelings of jealousy thrown into the mix that make it hard for me to be objective about the whole situation, but who knows...maybe someday I'll read the books.
Well, that is the birthday eve report from me! I'm sure glad that I was born into this family! We are so fortunate to get along so well, and to have such a good time together! Lots of love to all of you!!!