Monday, July 02, 2007

To all reunion-goers

Thanks for your feedback. It sounds like the consensus of the group is to make reservations for the Bar J Wranglers and have more unstructured time for hiking, swimming, horseback riding, etc. That would leave time for a river trip if anyone is interested. Grandma is planning to have some activities and crafts for the kids.

I will make the reservations for the dinner and show. We can do it Thurs.or Fri. night, depending on when the hike is. Let me know if you have a preference. Are there any hikes for the less hard-core (out of shape) hikers—maybe a nice little nature trail?

I also think we should have a variety show one night (talent is not required.) I’m visualizing a collective eye-roll, but I think it will be fun! Todd could tell some jokes, we all know he has a joke book, Maggie could do her magic act, Jamie and Kacie could dance, Felix could do his impersonation of a train conductor, and Lizzy and I are thinking about resurrecting the “chin show”….you get the idea.

We need to save some time for family pictures, too. I’m thinking Sat. morning after we check out will be the best time. We’ll talk more about that later.

We can’t wait to see you!
(from Karen)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am all for a nice little nature trail as I will return on Aug. 4. My friend Marge is determined to get me going. I go a mile or more most mornings, so a nice nature trail works for me.