Here are a few pictures I took today in Savannah, GA. I forgot my camera so these were taken with my phone and aren't the best quality. I'm here for a records management conference which runs through Friday.
I am envious as Savannah is one place I have always wanted to visit. I understand that the food is wonderful, try something other than a burger.
I had the worlds best chicken fingers and spuds (deep-fried potato slices) last night at a place called Spanky's. At the conference dinner tonight we had some great southern cooking. I wasn't sure what was in most of it, but it sure was tasty.
I am envious as Savannah is one place I have always wanted to visit. I understand that the food is wonderful, try something other than a burger.
I had the worlds best chicken fingers and spuds (deep-fried potato slices) last night at a place called Spanky's. At the conference dinner tonight we had some great southern cooking. I wasn't sure what was in most of it, but it sure was tasty.
Well, after eating chicken-feet soup on your mission, I imagine that there's not much that would scare you! :) Have a good time!
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