Monday, March 26, 2007

Lizzy's Big Day

When are we going to get a report on Lizzy's big day. I should specify that I'm referring here to her baptism and not her birthday.

We can't wait to hear!


Amy J said...

I'm guess that you'll probably get the answer to this inquiry off-line, since dad can't post yet! Just a guess! I haven't heard anything either...I'm guessing it's not going to happen at this point. Who knows?!

JimmySyme said...

I may be back in the commenting business if not the posting business.
Since Bishop Fuller (with concurrence from her father)had determined that she didn't need to be baptized, we had that conversation with Lizzy and told her she didn't need to be baptized. So that's the rest of the story.

Amy J said...

If Jimmy had sent the pertinent e-mail to his daughter like he was SUPPOSED to, he could join the ranks of post-er! :)