To the two eldest Johnson siblings: Thank you!
At left and above, respectively, you can see pictures of Margie and me enjoying our Christmas gift-exchange presents.
Lisa gave Margie new measuring cups, nice new spatulas, and a gift certificate to Applebee's (pictures of us enjoying that one will have to be forthcoming at a later date!).
Keith gave me a fancy new pair of cufflinks at Margie's suggestion, as I previously only had one pair to go with my two French-cuffed shirts. Each of Margie, Keith, and I were concerned Keith's taste wouldn't be conservative enough for his boring, conservative younger brother, but I like them. The fact the white checks in the pattern are Mother of Pearl played to a long-standing but as-yet-unfulfilled weakness of mine for that particular material.
Hopefully everyone else is also enjoying their gifts. Happy New Year!
You two are crazy/funny! I'm surprised you didn't take a picture of the boys with the joke book Keith included for them! :) My gift from Margie should be here tomorrow-ish, having been forwarded by the Denver gang. I'll have Maggie photograph the opening of the package for posterity!
Okay, just remember to look really excited!
I am ever so glad for a new posting as I became very tired of looking at that DOG, as I am sure Amy did too. So glad that Scott liked the cuff links. But this posting confirms that the Pittsburg contingent are truly wacky!
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