The first version is our usual format, an Adobe Photo Album PDF slideshow. The pictures are mostly from yesterday and the days leading up to Christmas, but there are also several others from the weeks since we last created a slideshow after Rex was born.
The second version, my personal favorite, was an opportunity to showcase a song from one of my Christmas gifts from Margie, the soundtrack from the movie Open Season, with songs written and performed by one of my all-time favorites, Paul Westerberg.
Sorry for being such a blog hog the last couple days ... or in our vernacular, I guess that would be either a Blogger Clogger or a Blagger Clagger.
We didn't think you were a blog hog--we loved seeing the pictures of the boys. The slide show of "THE SLIDE SHOW" by Felix really made us laugh.
Don't tell him about Evel Knievel jumping the fountains at Ceasar's Palace!
Personally, I thought you were a blog hog. J/K... It was fun to see the pictures. When I get a second I want to be a Blagger Clagger and post some pics from BIG D.
Hey, when you have cute kids to take pictures of, hog away! :D
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