Yeah, I'll probably be posting on here quite often, not necessarily because my life is very exciting, but I do have a lot to say! :) I just found out last week that I am going to be the Interim Head of the CML while my boss acts as an assitant to our Library Dean, who is losing her Associate Dean. It should be a good experience, but they "can't" give me the compensation that I asked for, so I am still on the hunt for a new job. Something that will hopefully pay me what I'm worth considering all of the job experience I have! I know I'm biased, but I think I'm a lot smarter than the majority of the people who work at the Library and are (I just found out) making RIDICULOUS amounts of money! : So maybe today this is more of a rant than a post! :)
Tomorrow we have chumpsters coming in for storytime, so that will be fun. I am going to dress up as Mary Poppins (again). They probably won't have ANY clue who I am, but oh's more about me seeing THEM dressed up than anything!
In a couple of weeks I go to Nashville for the National Teachers of English conference. I had a great experience last year, but I'm sure a lot of that had to do with the fact that I got to hang out with Scott, Margie, and Felix for a week! But I've never been to Nashville, and my Children's Literature professor at UNLV has gotten me invited to some author dinners and receptions, so that should be cool! Although I'm not very good at going to such things by myself, but I'll just have to fake it...put on a different persona for the time being! I should get to see some of the sights as well, but most of it has to do with country music, so I'm sort-of at a loss! I'll let you know what I end up doing, and I'll TRY to take some pictures to share!
Until next time....