Friday, May 28, 2010

Busy Week...Macie Turns 4, Riley Graduates From Kindergarten

With Macie's Birthday and Riley's Kindergarten graduation, this has been a busy week. Many thanks go to all the well wishers. We are also so proud of Riley for doing so well this year and having such a desire to learn. She was so cute singing at her graduation. I'll have to post the video when I have a minute.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Grant's Blessing

We wanted to invite everyone to Grant's blessing which will be on June 20th - Father's Day. Our sacrament meeting is at 11 a.m. We have plenty of floor space, a few couches and an air mattress for those who need a place to stay.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wonder Women

As with so many other areas of life, Margie has proved to be my superior also when it comes to balancing Daphne.

Unfortunately, in an internet-enabled world, you can quickly discover how mundane something that seemed exceptional at first actually is, as evidenced by the dozens of YouTube videos we found of other babies and their parents doing the same thing--including some creepy ones.

The one angle left that I figure might be unique is that Daphne and Margie could be the youngest baby girl/mother duo: look out late-night TV, here they come!

Monday, May 03, 2010

Goings on...

Rex dressed himself for school wearing Superman under-roos as shorts and Felix's soccer socks. He thought it was pretty awesome.

Fun with cousins Drew and Matt

Family Night

Daphne is smiling up a storm these days.

Spring is Here...

I have been infuriated by a Robin that has been pooping all over our deck and patio furniture for weeks now. It would sit on our patio table, stare into the kitchen, poop, swoop down, steal a piece of our doormat then fly away. Then, on Sunday, I walked outside only to be frightened by this same Robin swiftly flying away from me just feet away. I looked up where it flew from and found a perfect nest built on top of our shelves inside the basket we keep our painting supplies in. And inside were 2 blue Robin's eggs...then today we checked and there were 3. I have forgiven the mother bird now. We can't wait to hear the new baby birds chirp!