Valerie and I ran in the To Bone & Back 40-mile relay this morning. This is a picture of seven of the eight members of our team. Each person ran a 5-mile leg and while we haven't seen any official results, we think our team did pretty well. The course was pretty hilly, but it was fun to be outside (and we got a babysitter so that made it all the better).
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Glacier weather and Yay Me!
Hey everyone! Just only ONE week we'll be spending the 4th together, listening to Jimmy talk about the fireworks show at the Boy Scout Jamboree of '53! :) I am excited to see everyone! But I digress...
I'm here on a mission from grandma to share a final weather forecast for the reunion...I was getting conflicting reports when I looked on the internet, and I was spreading false rumors indicating that it was going to be chilly. Grandma talked to the authority on all things Glacier (her contact "Deb"), and apparently it has been in the 70s and 80s...LOVELY! Of course it will be cooler in the morning/evenings, so bring jackets and be prepared, but no need to bust out the winter clothes! Yay!!
On an unrelated note, yours truly just got a promotion! This is a GREAT opportunity for me! Here's the e-mail that the Dean of Libraries sent out making the announcement:
As you all know, Tamera Hanken starts as our new Director of Technical Services on July 1. We are all very excited to have her join us.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Jen Fabbi for her willingness to step in and lead the Technical Services Division this past year, in particular in leading the work of "Revisioning Technical Services." The work we did will help frame the directions for the next biennium.
After a two week overlap with Tamera to help with orientation, Jen will return to her role as my Special Assistant half time. I am also pleased to announce that she will also be working half time in the Office of the Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, concentrating on Undergraduate Education initiatives. Jen will be working with Dave James and others in the Provost's Office to help with the undergraduate education review that is underway. This is a terrific opportunity for Jen and for the Libraries. Please join me in congratulating her on this outstanding opportunity.
As you can see, Jen will not be returning to the CML. During Jen's absences, Amy Johnson has done an outstanding job as the Interim Head of the CML. Starting July 1, Amy will become the permanent Head of the CML and will work closely with Paula McMillen, who will become the Liaison for all of the departments in the College of Education. Because of her collection development and instruction activities and her regular interaction with faculty and students in the College, I have asked Amy to join the Liaison's group. Both Amy and Paula will report to Vicki Nozero. I would like to thank the entire CML staff for their flexibility and commitment to providing the best possible service and assistance to their patrons. Congratulations Amy!
Please join me in thanking everyone who has stepped up during this time of further (or is it continual) transition.
Patricia Iannuzzi
Dean, University Libraries
I'm here on a mission from grandma to share a final weather forecast for the reunion...I was getting conflicting reports when I looked on the internet, and I was spreading false rumors indicating that it was going to be chilly. Grandma talked to the authority on all things Glacier (her contact "Deb"), and apparently it has been in the 70s and 80s...LOVELY! Of course it will be cooler in the morning/evenings, so bring jackets and be prepared, but no need to bust out the winter clothes! Yay!!
On an unrelated note, yours truly just got a promotion! This is a GREAT opportunity for me! Here's the e-mail that the Dean of Libraries sent out making the announcement:
As you all know, Tamera Hanken starts as our new Director of Technical Services on July 1. We are all very excited to have her join us.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Jen Fabbi for her willingness to step in and lead the Technical Services Division this past year, in particular in leading the work of "Revisioning Technical Services." The work we did will help frame the directions for the next biennium.
After a two week overlap with Tamera to help with orientation, Jen will return to her role as my Special Assistant half time. I am also pleased to announce that she will also be working half time in the Office of the Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, concentrating on Undergraduate Education initiatives. Jen will be working with Dave James and others in the Provost's Office to help with the undergraduate education review that is underway. This is a terrific opportunity for Jen and for the Libraries. Please join me in congratulating her on this outstanding opportunity.
As you can see, Jen will not be returning to the CML. During Jen's absences, Amy Johnson has done an outstanding job as the Interim Head of the CML. Starting July 1, Amy will become the permanent Head of the CML and will work closely with Paula McMillen, who will become the Liaison for all of the departments in the College of Education. Because of her collection development and instruction activities and her regular interaction with faculty and students in the College, I have asked Amy to join the Liaison's group. Both Amy and Paula will report to Vicki Nozero. I would like to thank the entire CML staff for their flexibility and commitment to providing the best possible service and assistance to their patrons. Congratulations Amy!
Please join me in thanking everyone who has stepped up during this time of further (or is it continual) transition.
Patricia Iannuzzi
Dean, University Libraries
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Free Fishing Day and USU Reunion
We finally broke down and got internet so we can stay in touch with the rest of the world. Since our last post, Riley and I went to the Ashton Fish Hatchery for free-fishing day and Riley caught her first fish. She had some attachment issues when I explained what we had to do with it once we got home - needless to say there is still an un-gutted fish in our freezer. It was a little strange how she totted it around all day until we finally convinced her it stunk. She had a great time and I can expand on this story next week at the reunion.
We also had a mini-reunion in Logan last Saturday with the Carver-side of Valerie’s family. Other people have nice pictures of our family, but these will have to do for now. Most of that side of the family graduated from Utah State so it was fun to have the reunion down there.

We also had a mini-reunion in Logan last Saturday with the Carver-side of Valerie’s family. Other people have nice pictures of our family, but these will have to do for now. Most of that side of the family graduated from Utah State so it was fun to have the reunion down there.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Finding Myself
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Lights, Camera, Action!!
I just thought I'd share a film I recently finished with a local university grad student. It's called "Shatter" and is about 12 1/2 min long. Just a little spook-spoiler...there are zombies, so be careful meek at heart. I have recently come to the aching realization that I'm not being cast as young, vibrant characters anymore. Instead I get the "Mom" roles. I might have a mid-life crisis soon and go platinum blond, get a tattoo and/or something pierced, and start twittering.
Click here to see me as "Mom".
Click here to see me as "Mom".
Monday, June 08, 2009
Back in Commission
The boys in hog heaven at the Coudersport Fire Hall Pre-Marathon Dinner

Felix and Rex fishing at Fun Day

Felix and his best buddy William at Pre-school

Scott and Felix behind Cucumber Falls at Ohiopyle State Park
Rex found a buddy
Stomping ants at the campsite
Skipping stones on the Youghioghengy
Attempted Mother's Day of my presents
Cowboy Felix on his mighty Steed, Swiffer
Felix in action at T-ball
The brothers who pee together, stay together

Felix was in Doctor mode and thought the "bruises" on Rex's chest needed bandaids
Rex had just bonked his cheek, so Dr. Felix came to his rescue with his "Emergency Kit"
Patched up by Dr. Felix
Felix reading a book to Rex to make him feel better after applying the bandaid
I'm happy to finally have a computer in our house once again. After a long and brave battle with some ingrate Dell sales associates, Scott finally gave up on them, and bought a MAC. I've heard over and over that they are so much easier to use, but after being a PC for so long, I'm finding the ease not easy to find. (Not sure if that made sense.) However, I am determined to become a proficient MAC-er.
In our computer absence, we have a few pictures that catalog the beginning of our summer vacation. Felix finished his first year of pre-school. The pictures shown are from his last day of school. I am anxious for the next school year because I was able to find a pre-school class that will allow both Rex and Felix to be in the same class. They are so excited and I am so excited to have 2 days a week/2 1/2 hours on those days to myself. We might actually have a clean house for the first time in 4 years!
We also took a camping trip to Ohiopyle, PA which is on the Youghiogheny River. It is beautiful out there. We climbed over river rocks, hiked up waterfalls, and risked our lives on the natural river water slides. I'm still shaking over the last mentioned.
Other pictures are just the every day goings on in the Johnson household.
We are most anxious for the Family Reunion. We really treasure the time we are able to spend with you all being that it is so infrequent. We are so grateful you all made the time and sacrificed the money to spend time in Glacier. It means the world to us. We feel at a loss being so far away, but feel so blessed to have a loving family.
Marathon of Woe

2 days after finishing a marathon, I'm not sitting here thinking, "What a great accomplishment. I feel great." Instead, I'm thinking, "I feel old!" Destination Marathon all began with my good friend, Meagan asking me to run the Pittsburgh Marathon with her. She has magical powers of persuasion. I discovered the Pitt Marathon was on Sunday so I decided, (being the saintly person that I am...wink, wink...actually, Scott knows how to make me feel guilty) to find a marathon nearby on a Saturday, even though Meagan was still doing the Pittsburgh. I searched around found the "God's Country Marathon" in Potter County, PA, about 4 hours northeast of Pittsburgh. I thought it was a sign from God that I chose do the right thing...God's Country. This will be great, God will carry me the whole way.
So, I agreed to try to train with Meagan knowing my knees were not very strong. It turns out we weren't able to train together because her husband is an ER resident with a very aggressive schedule leaving her a single mom most of the time, and Scott's schedule didn't leave me much time for long runs, so our schedules never matched up and she ended up training on her treadmill and me, alone in the dark and dreary wilderness with a lack of drive. We kept each other up to date on our training and ran one 10 miler together. The furthest I got in my training was 15 miles, which just about sent me to the retirement home. So, I decided that was the last long run I'd do before the race...which was 2 weeks prior. Meagan kept assuring me I'd be fine because the farthest she'd run before either 2 of her marathons was 12 miles.
So, off we go to Potter County, PA. It is lovely country. Green, lush, rolling hills...little did I know how I'd despise the hills in the end! We went to the pre-run dinner at the local Fire Hall and I started to get some details from the runners about the course because I didn't research the course at all before signing up. I kept reading, "Conquer the Hill" in pamphlets, but thought that was not biggy since Pittsburgh is very hilly and I trained on hills. But at the dinner, I found out that the "hill" was 3 miles long! We would climb from 1300 ft above sea level to 2424 ft above sea level. I was told not to expect to break any records on this run...break records?! I just want to finish! I was concerned at this point, but optimistic due to the adrenaline pumping inside.
Scott took the boys camping that night while I stayed in the Ox Yoke Inn. Pretty po-dunk. I woke up, walked to the high school where it started, the signal was shot and off we went. I felt so good! I was running, listening to "Harry Potter" and actually having a nice time. I started running with a girl at about mile 4 and since my $9 Wal-Mart watch was not being reliable...surprise, surprise, she was keeping me posted on our pace and we were running at an 8 1/2 mile pace. It was her first marathon, too. I was happy and felt great. We jogged by Scott and the boys' campsite at about mile 5 and Scott was there waving and cheering me on. Then we started jogging with a guy who had done this race before and he started talking about the hill. It was here, at mile 5 1/2 that I found out the hill was actually from mile 11-18! What?! He said the incline started at 11, but got steep at 15 and peaked in between 17 and 18! Holy crap! Still, I was feeling good and optimistic.
Then, at mile 7, my knees gave the first signs of protest, so I told my running buddy I had to slow down, and gave up the 8 1/2 minute mile pace. That was the last I saw of her. I was running at about a 9-10 mile pace until 11 miles when I really felt the knees go bye-bye, but I kept going, determined. I came to the half-way mark and got a short lived burst of energy when I crossed the half-way mark at 2 hours, 3 min. I felt good about that time. We were on an incline at this point, but it wasn't bad. After 13 miles, though, I felt like I had lost major range of motion and couldn't get a good stride. My knees just weren't bending like I needed them too. Plus, my arches started aching (which was a major issue while I trained). I man passed me with knees support straps and I asked him if they helped, and he assured me they did, so I was wishing I had tried them. I just didn't think they'd help. Anyhoo, we hit 15 miles and I tried my hardest to run up the hill, and I've to go say I mostly did. I walked here and there and stretched my knees some along the way, but for the most part, I ran that blasted hill! Then, came the descent, and that was when I knew my knees were really shot. It was such a lack of control and pain I felt going down hill that I could hardly run or walk and just prayed they wouldn't buckle on me. It was such a horrible feeling. Then I felt more horrible when people were zooming past me who looked like they were speed walking! And you know you're going slow when flies start landing on you even when you think you're still running.
So, I get to mile 19 and I get a pebble in my shoe and chest indigestion. I must admit that I started to become more interested in the all-you-can-eat buffet they had set up at each mile marker than the race itself. I took advantage, a little too much, of all the goodies. There were banana slices, orange slices, gummy bears that have never tasted so good in my life, trail mix, M&M's, watermelon, hard candy, candy orange slices, gumdrops, Swedish fish, Gatorade, water, and gel packs. At mile 22, I pretty much gave up on the race, grabbed 2 cups of candy orange slices and gumdrops and just walked and snacked for a while. It felt good. But then I realized I still had 6 stinkin' miles to go and I'd never get to that giant cheeseburger that was waiting for me at the finish line if I didn't pick it up.
The last 5 miles were very low and reflective. I started thinking about my mortality. I realized that I'm not getting any younger and my body's only going to get weaker. I was whimpering at this point...there was no one around...I was all alone at this point. I felt like my life had flown my like the 18-wheelers passing by on that wretched Hwy 6 that I had been running on for what felt like an eternity. I was tempted to just throw myself out in front of one of them and end it all!! Then I realized, "I think I'm losing my mind! I've got to finish this race and get back to my senses." It's amazing how a marathon will play with one's psyche. It was a lucky thing that Scott and the boys drove by me at mile 24 and I, walking at that time, was once again able to pick up my pace and get to the finish to see them. At mile 25, I could feel the relief of the finish. I came to a turn and I asked how much farther, and a man said, "1/4 mile." I said, "I can handle that!" Then I came to a water station, and I asked again, "How much farther?" and they said, "1/2 a mile" What?!! Then I ran by a guy directing the marathon traffic, and asked, "How much farther?" and he said "3/4 mi". I yelled at him, "3/4ths of a mile, WHAT?!!" I ran past a cheering crowd amongst who a guy I had been running with early on was sitting. I asked how he did and said he had beat his goal, so that made me happy and gave me a little push. I saw the finish...or was it a mirage? I saw Scott and the boys. I shouted for Felix and Rex to race me to the finish. Felix zoomed past me over the finish line and Rex, dropped puppy on the grass and ran with all his might. And then I was done. And all I remember is the darkness....just kidding, I didn't pass out, but I was plotzed! Official time 5 hours 12 minutes. Overall pace 11:55 minute mile. Not exactly my 10 min/mile goal, but I'm over that.
I guess you can compare a marathon to child birth. It hurts and you never want to do it again, but maybe time will convince you otherwise. I ran and got a cheap medal. At least with child birth I got a priceless gift from God. (Granted those gifts from God might end up causing me more pain than a fleeting marathon.) Right now, I'm anti-marathon, although Meagan is trying to convince me to do a flatter marathon with her, she-devil that she is. I don't know. Right now all I can think about is how the heck I'm going to convince my knees to get me up and out of this chair that I've been sitting in so long.
This race really made me sad. I genuinely love running and can usually run through the cramps, the blisters, the arch aches, the lost toe nails, etc. But as hard as I told my body to run faster, it wouldn't. I had no control over my joints, my knees just stopped working, and that loss of control scared me. I don't want to give up running. I think I'll try some 1/2 marathons to build up strength, try some knee supports and figure out a good cocktail of pain relievers.
But this week, I'm just going to try to make it up and down our stairs without falling. Baby steps.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Pre-School Graduation
Riley graduated from Pre-School last week and these are some pictures from her year-end program.
Monday, June 01, 2009
JFR Montana Attractions
Here is a list of some local attractions so that everyone can start making plans on what they want to do while in Montana.
1.) See Glacier National Park
- Driving the "Going to the Sun Road" has been highly recommended for
getting a comprehensive view of the park. It's a 4 hour roundtrip drive if
you choose to do the whole thing and takes you from the west end of the
park to the east end and back. Along the way you can stop to picnic.
Fish Creek or Lake McDonald Lodge were recommended.
There is also a place called the "Vortex" which is an energy circle in the
park that's center of gravity is off to the left therefore making for some
unique scenery.
- There are many short hikes throughout the park if you prefer to see the
park that way.
- Entrance into the park is $25 for a 7-day pass per car
2.) Swimming:
- Our cabin is 10 miles away from Whitefish Lake which offers free swimming.
- Hot tub at the cabin
- There is an indoor fitness center in Whitefish that includes a waterpark. It’s called The
Wave. A day pass can be purchased for $30/family pass, $12/adult, $9/age 65+, $10/high
school, $7/ages 7-13, $4/ages 3-6, ages 2 and under free
The pass includes access to the whole facility: swimming pools, raquet ball, gym, etc…
3.) Fishing
4.) Boating:
- The pond on the resort property offers free use of a rowboat, canoe and paddleboat
5.) 4th of July Activities:
- Whitefish holds a 4th of July Festival during the day
- Fireworks are supposed to be shot over Whitefish Lake. Although, I was told they didn't
do them last year, but hopefully that won't be the case this year. However, we should be able
to find a fireworks show nearby due to the fact that we will be near a Reservation.
6.) Laser Tag
- Laser Tag just down the street from the resort.
Hopefully that gives you a good idea of things to do. Since we will be there such a short time, I didn't add more to the list. If there's something I can find out for you, let me know. And, don't forget to get your talent ready for the second ever biennial Johnson Family Talent Show!!
Rock on!
1.) See Glacier National Park
- Driving the "Going to the Sun Road" has been highly recommended for
getting a comprehensive view of the park. It's a 4 hour roundtrip drive if
you choose to do the whole thing and takes you from the west end of the
park to the east end and back. Along the way you can stop to picnic.
Fish Creek or Lake McDonald Lodge were recommended.
There is also a place called the "Vortex" which is an energy circle in the
park that's center of gravity is off to the left therefore making for some
unique scenery.
- There are many short hikes throughout the park if you prefer to see the
park that way.
- Entrance into the park is $25 for a 7-day pass per car
2.) Swimming:
- Our cabin is 10 miles away from Whitefish Lake which offers free swimming.
- Hot tub at the cabin
- There is an indoor fitness center in Whitefish that includes a waterpark. It’s called The
Wave. A day pass can be purchased for $30/family pass, $12/adult, $9/age 65+, $10/high
school, $7/ages 7-13, $4/ages 3-6, ages 2 and under free
The pass includes access to the whole facility: swimming pools, raquet ball, gym, etc…
3.) Fishing
4.) Boating:
- The pond on the resort property offers free use of a rowboat, canoe and paddleboat
5.) 4th of July Activities:
- Whitefish holds a 4th of July Festival during the day
- Fireworks are supposed to be shot over Whitefish Lake. Although, I was told they didn't
do them last year, but hopefully that won't be the case this year. However, we should be able
to find a fireworks show nearby due to the fact that we will be near a Reservation.
6.) Laser Tag
- Laser Tag just down the street from the resort.
Hopefully that gives you a good idea of things to do. Since we will be there such a short time, I didn't add more to the list. If there's something I can find out for you, let me know. And, don't forget to get your talent ready for the second ever biennial Johnson Family Talent Show!!
Rock on!
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