Here are a couple of pix from my leisurely stroll around the Yearning For Zion (YFZ) FLDS ranch here in Eldorado, TX today. Two reporters from the DNews (which, by the way dropped the 'Morning' in its name as of Sunday), another photographer taking video and myself were allowed onto the FLDS compound for the afternoon. Apparently it is the first time in anyone's memory that a media crew has been invited onto FLDS land. One of the writers, Nancy Perkins, is from Hurricane and has been covering polygamy for 12 years and finally convinced them to get their side of the story out there.
They were very itchy about where we pointed our cameras, and there were strict guidelines, but it was fun. They fed us lunch--tuna melt, homemade salsa and chips, potato salad and apple juice--and gave us interviews etc. Extremely hospitable, soft-spoken and genuine. Hard to picture them abusing children. Who knows. Anyway, the video will be all over CNN, MSNBC and anywhere else that purchases it. My pictures are on the Associated Press wire and can be picked up around the world. Maybe someone will actually whip out a magnifying glass and read my tiny byline under my pix. Fat chance. It was worth it either way. However, the real highlight of my day came when I had a belgian waffle for breakfast shaped like the state of TX at my dive hotel. I'll send pix tomorrow.
Hope everyone's happy. Keep your finger's crossed, I entered another piece in the Springville Spring Salon art show--this time I entered a drawing. Guess we'll see.
P.S. While we were eating lunch, everyone swapped genealogy stories to see if any of us had common roots. Guess what......? Surprise, surprise mom!
P.S.S. Merrill Jessop, the big wig around the ranch and the sweetest man alive, gave me crap about my hair! Can't a guy catch a break?!?