Valerie was right in her comment to the last entry...the blog is suffering from a lull. So as Scott would say, "What do you guys want to talk about now?" :) I loved all of the Riley quotes that Valerie shared! That girl is too funny! And today is the b-day of our youngest BIG birthday hugs and kisses to cute little Macie! You people with the kids need to post some updates/pictures so that we can all get our fill of those cutie pies! For instance...why didn't we get a Felix potty blog?? Maybe NOT with pictures, but still... :)
Things are fine for me. My graduation went well, the party was lovely, and it was wonderful to have family in town to share the fun! I'll have to bug Keith and Maggie to share some of the pictures they took. Now I'm looking forward to a little down time...although it will likely be very little down time since I am involved in writing articles on various topics, and have been asked to teach an undergraduate Children's Literature course this fall! Crazy, I tell ya!
That's all from UNLV. Hope you are all doing will be SO fun to get together for the reunion this summer!