Happy Birthday to The Big Guy! We love you SO much, and thank you for being a good dad, a good husband, a good brother, a good grandpa, a good father-in-law, a good example, a hard worker, etc.
Hope your 66th b-day is filled with happiness and love! :)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Bitter-Sweet Story
We had a bitter-sweet experience the last few days. Margie's play ended with its final run Saturday. Earlier that very same day, Margie went to a call-back audition for another play that will be performed at another community theatre here in November.
The part for which Margie read at the audition contained objectionable language, including taking the Lord's name in vain.
Then yesterday, two days after the audition, Margie received an email from the director offering her that part in the play. After much soul searching about what to do, Margie decided to accept the part only on condition of being allowed to refrain from using the objectionable language.
Although Margie had been able to avoid using the language by altering the script on the fly at the audition undetected by the director, the director replied that she was unwilling to bend to accommodate Margie's request.
I'm proud of Margie for making the tough decision, but it was still a tough blow. I am confident she will be blessed for her decision and will have many more opportunities to do roles that won't require her to compromise her high standards.
The part for which Margie read at the audition contained objectionable language, including taking the Lord's name in vain.
Then yesterday, two days after the audition, Margie received an email from the director offering her that part in the play. After much soul searching about what to do, Margie decided to accept the part only on condition of being allowed to refrain from using the objectionable language.
Although Margie had been able to avoid using the language by altering the script on the fly at the audition undetected by the director, the director replied that she was unwilling to bend to accommodate Margie's request.
I'm proud of Margie for making the tough decision, but it was still a tough blow. I am confident she will be blessed for her decision and will have many more opportunities to do roles that won't require her to compromise her high standards.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
On April 7, my friend Marge Mullaly and I flew to Portland and then boarded the ship EMPRESS OF THE NORTH to sail up the Wilamette, Columbia and Snake Rivers. This was the same ship that Maggie and I sailed on when we went up the Inside Passage in Alaska. We were even in the same cabin! We visited and retraced the route of Lewis and Clark in many places. I probably know more about what they did on their travels than their families did.
I had never been on a body of water which was controlled by Dams and Locks. There were 7 dams between Portland and Lewiston Id. I was fascinated by sail in and the water went up or down and you sailed out. Some had gates that swung closed, some were guillotine and some just went up and down from the bottom. As you can tell, I watched in sunshine and driving rain and at night they had search lights on the boat to locate the entrance. In the process we traversed the tallest lock in the world. Every night during dinner, the Captain came to the dining room to give us the Dam Report as to which locks we would go through in the next 24 hours
The food was plentiful and often. All meals served in the dining room, lots of forks and knives. There was always the option of the grill on the 4th deck which offered a cafeteria option, so we did the "do it yourself" option for breakfast. Marge had her waffle and I had my Oatmeal, no problems with swallowing, but I was careful.
We were assigned a table for dinner and we were a little apprehensive about who we would be seated with for 7 days. We were so lucky. We had Butch, who was from Oklahoma and he was a Big Guy, he even made "THE BIG GUY" look small. He ate the appetizer and desserts that I was too full to eat. On the last night he had 2 lobster tails for his dinner and one for dessert. His wife told us that on a previous cruise he'd had 6. Must have major bucks or major debt by the size of the diamond he was wearing. Rick and Madelaine were from Luguna Nigel CA. They had worked in a lot of jobs and were interesting to talk to. The third couple were Helen, a retired nurse and her husband Norman. Both wore diamonds that would put your eye out, but were very nice. We had lots of interesting discussions and were always last to leave the dining room. Every nigh
On arrival in Portland when we were making our way to the transportation, we met two older ladies who shared a table with us at the Hotel where we went to Check In and then take the bus to the ship. They had been friends for many years. They were both over 80, but didn't act like it. Victoria had taught PE and Health for many years and Jo was a surgeon. They live in San Diego and went on all the side trips with us and their assigned dinner companions were a really weird couple who had everything beaded. Even his hat had beads on it!. Jo and Victoria would snarf their food and return to their cabin until we finished, then came to ours, then went to the entertainment with us.
On Tuesday, we went to Pendelton and had a brief tour of the Woolen Mills. The looms are controlled by computer and work fast!. Went to their outlet store, but even there the prices were steep. Our bus driver drove us past the "Old Mental Hospital". It has been revamped for the Prison system and they sew Prison Blues clothing:jeans,tee shirts and sweatshirts. Their motto is: Mate in the Inside to be Worn on the Outside. The prisoners have to go through a rigorous selection process to get there and it makes money for every one. The products were sold at a shop just across the street from where we had lunch. It was Corrections Connections. I was freezing, so now am the proud owner of a sweat shirt.
When we reached Lewiston Id, we boarded Jet Boats for a trip up Hells Canyon. We went over, not through the rapids. Saw lots of Big Horn sheep and the hills were covered with Wild Flowers. Lots of summer homes without running water or electricity, we saw what looked like a shed and the sign said $425,000. If you want running water, you have to pump to a tank up hill and then you have Running Water.
Friday we went to the visitors center for Mt. St. Helens--hard to believe it has been 27 years since it blew it's top. Still areas with no regrowth and ash still deep in the streams along with little trees in the area with the landslide. Spirit Lake Lodge is buried under 300 feet of ash. Never did see the mountain as the clouds were low as it was raining and snowing. --Later we went to Astoria, OR. which is the oldest city in USA. Some cities were founded prior to Astoria, but were Spanish at the time of their founding. Pretty old Victorian Homes and a great port. Walked to a Fish Market/cafe and had Divine Halibut Fish and Chips and while Marge walked the hills, I hit the shops and the Maritime Museum.
On Sat., we disembarked in Portland and were bussed to the Hotel where we stored our luggage and shuttled to the airport where we took the light rail to down town. We visited a bookstore covering an entire block,and were looking into the Portland Market, which turned out to be UNDER and overpass, we watched as we went by on light rail. Hit a place one of the bellhops recommended for lunch and explored Nordstroms Rack, Williams Sonoma and Whole Foods, but we made no purchases as there was no room in the suitcase. Took light rail back to the airport, shuttled to the hotel, checked in and crashed. We did eat dinner as we had a 7:30 flight and knew that breakfast would be in SLC.
I had never been on a body of water which was controlled by Dams and Locks. There were 7 dams between Portland and Lewiston Id. I was fascinated by sail in and the water went up or down and you sailed out. Some had gates that swung closed, some were guillotine and some just went up and down from the bottom. As you can tell, I watched in sunshine and driving rain and at night they had search lights on the boat to locate the entrance. In the process we traversed the tallest lock in the world. Every night during dinner, the Captain came to the dining room to give us the Dam Report as to which locks we would go through in the next 24 hours
The food was plentiful and often. All meals served in the dining room, lots of forks and knives. There was always the option of the grill on the 4th deck which offered a cafeteria option, so we did the "do it yourself" option for breakfast. Marge had her waffle and I had my Oatmeal, no problems with swallowing, but I was careful.
We were assigned a table for dinner and we were a little apprehensive about who we would be seated with for 7 days. We were so lucky. We had Butch, who was from Oklahoma and he was a Big Guy, he even made "THE BIG GUY" look small. He ate the appetizer and desserts that I was too full to eat. On the last night he had 2 lobster tails for his dinner and one for dessert. His wife told us that on a previous cruise he'd had 6. Must have major bucks or major debt by the size of the diamond he was wearing. Rick and Madelaine were from Luguna Nigel CA. They had worked in a lot of jobs and were interesting to talk to. The third couple were Helen, a retired nurse and her husband Norman. Both wore diamonds that would put your eye out, but were very nice. We had lots of interesting discussions and were always last to leave the dining room. Every nigh
On arrival in Portland when we were making our way to the transportation, we met two older ladies who shared a table with us at the Hotel where we went to Check In and then take the bus to the ship. They had been friends for many years. They were both over 80, but didn't act like it. Victoria had taught PE and Health for many years and Jo was a surgeon. They live in San Diego and went on all the side trips with us and their assigned dinner companions were a really weird couple who had everything beaded. Even his hat had beads on it!. Jo and Victoria would snarf their food and return to their cabin until we finished, then came to ours, then went to the entertainment with us.
On Tuesday, we went to Pendelton and had a brief tour of the Woolen Mills. The looms are controlled by computer and work fast!. Went to their outlet store, but even there the prices were steep. Our bus driver drove us past the "Old Mental Hospital". It has been revamped for the Prison system and they sew Prison Blues clothing:jeans,tee shirts and sweatshirts. Their motto is: Mate in the Inside to be Worn on the Outside. The prisoners have to go through a rigorous selection process to get there and it makes money for every one. The products were sold at a shop just across the street from where we had lunch. It was Corrections Connections. I was freezing, so now am the proud owner of a sweat shirt.
When we reached Lewiston Id, we boarded Jet Boats for a trip up Hells Canyon. We went over, not through the rapids. Saw lots of Big Horn sheep and the hills were covered with Wild Flowers. Lots of summer homes without running water or electricity, we saw what looked like a shed and the sign said $425,000. If you want running water, you have to pump to a tank up hill and then you have Running Water.
Friday we went to the visitors center for Mt. St. Helens--hard to believe it has been 27 years since it blew it's top. Still areas with no regrowth and ash still deep in the streams along with little trees in the area with the landslide. Spirit Lake Lodge is buried under 300 feet of ash. Never did see the mountain as the clouds were low as it was raining and snowing. --Later we went to Astoria, OR. which is the oldest city in USA. Some cities were founded prior to Astoria, but were Spanish at the time of their founding. Pretty old Victorian Homes and a great port. Walked to a Fish Market/cafe and had Divine Halibut Fish and Chips and while Marge walked the hills, I hit the shops and the Maritime Museum.
On Sat., we disembarked in Portland and were bussed to the Hotel where we stored our luggage and shuttled to the airport where we took the light rail to down town. We visited a bookstore covering an entire block,and were looking into the Portland Market, which turned out to be UNDER and overpass, we watched as we went by on light rail. Hit a place one of the bellhops recommended for lunch and explored Nordstroms Rack, Williams Sonoma and Whole Foods, but we made no purchases as there was no room in the suitcase. Took light rail back to the airport, shuttled to the hotel, checked in and crashed. We did eat dinner as we had a 7:30 flight and knew that breakfast would be in SLC.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Graduation day!!
Well, I certainly can't compete with Felix and his pink toenails, but I just wanted to post a quick "notice" about my upcoming graduation. I think that everyone that is coming is already planning to come, but I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows that you are ALL invited to join the fun! The graduation ceremony is Saturday, May 12 @ 2:00 pm, and it will be followed by a graduation gathering at my friend Stephanie's house...her mom offered to host and provide food, which was SO nice of her! It's just going to be a laid-back get-together of family, friends, and co-workers...just some chatting, eating, and swimming (mostly for the kids!). I'm looking forward to it...it will be nice to have family and friends share this day with me! I can't believe school's almost over, and I also can't wait for it to end!
Ash-a-lee, eat your heart out!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Johnson's Easter

Here are a couple photos from the Easter service Amy and I attended at Johnson's Corner Chapel. Who would have guessed??? It has only been in this little building since 1998 so mom (Mother Trucker) and dad (Big "Rig" Jim) wouldn't have known about it while they were truckers all those years. I recommend a giant cinnamon roll at Johnson's and an Easter service at the chapel.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Last week I went to Chicago to attend the photo shoot for a new line of squeezable sandwich spreads we're trying hard to launch, "Heinz Sandwich Spreads".
But on second thought, maybe not so different from the D-News, which is after all just a propaganda tool for the Church's global brand. ; )

Two of the sandwich images appear below; each one will appear on the front label of one of the product's three varieties: Creamy Ranch, Southwest, and Tomato Garlic.
I couldn't help thinking while we were there that Keith would make a good food photographer. Granted it would be very different work from photo-journalism.
But on second thought, maybe not so different from the D-News, which is after all just a propaganda tool for the Church's global brand. ; )

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Censorship..... and the weasel

Another double session photographing conference over the weekend. I actually don't mind it, although there should be signs on temple square that read, "stay out of the flowers" and "no teenagers spooning on the grass." I suggested to a couple of sister missionaries that they might have to resort to using a fire hose to dowse the fire burning in the loins of the young conference-goers making out on the lawn. Personally, the sound of a GA's voice never really put me in the mood, but to each his own.
Now prepare yourselves for one of my patented rants. I am attaching a picture I took of the First Pres. leaving the Conference Center following the Sunday afternoon session. The Deseret News would not run the photo because "THEY" told the Dnews, the Tribune and the Associated Press not to publish pictures showing the prophet being helped by his personal secretary on or off the stand (Please note the barely-visible hand under Hinckley's left arm. Apparently "THEY" didn't want the prophet to look feeble. I went ballistic. I couldn't (and still can't) understand how a hand on the arm makes the prophet appear feeble when he is waving his cane, smiling and had just addressed the congregation (very much in his right mind). Why "THEY" wouldn't want to show the prophet in this way is beyond me. The closest I got to an answer had something to do with the prophet looking weak and making members feel uneasy. That is the biggets crock of ______ I've ever heard. The man is 97, has lived an amazing life, has a clear conscience and has catapulted the church into the 21st century. If a hand under his arm shakes someone's testimony, they have bigger things to worry about. I could see if Pres. Hinckley was wheeled into the Conference Center on a gurney with an IV and a catheter, but otherwise I'm completely confused. I will get to the bottom of the "why" and "They" behind the decision so I can sleep at night instead of planning my hostile takeover of the Deseret Morning Censorship.
On a lighter note, I am also attaching images of The Weasel in her first soccer game. She loved it, and is slightly bummed that she is missing her second game while in Colorado. She will get over it the second we land, I'm sure.
Wish me luck, I am submitting two more pieces to the Art museum for the Spring Salon.
If you need me, I'll be on vacation from the 5th to the 10th.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Now that our April Fools announcement has caused such a stir, we wanted to retract the post. There is no baby on the way and I really wish there was a way to post the audio from the phone call from mom where I burst the bubble...PRICELESS! Anyway, we hope no one harbors any ill feelings toward us.
Well, it's a little earlier than expected, but we are going to have baby number three! We'd be lying if we didn't say that we want a boy...but I guess we'll take whatever we get :) Not much else new here. Riley said something really funny today to Morgan. Riley was wearing a new outfit and Morgan asked where she got it. Riley said, "My mommy got it but my daddy paid for it." She knows what's up! Hope all is well with everyone else, we can't wait for the reunion!!
- Valerie and Todd
- Valerie and Todd
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